What is Payment in Lieu of Notice, or PILON?

The concept of Payment in Lieu of Notice, commonly known as PILON, is an essential aspect of employment law and HR management in the UK. This practice involves an employer paying an employee a sum of money instead of requiring them to work their notice period.

Legal Definition of PILON in the Context of UK Employment Law

In UK employment law, PILON is a provision that allows an employer to terminate an employee’s contract immediately by paying them the equivalent of the salary they would have earned during the notice period.

Key Aspects of PILON

Understanding the key aspects of Payment in Lieu of Notice (PILON) is crucial for both employers and employees to navigate this process effectively within the UK’s legal framework.

When PILON Applies

  • Termination Scenarios: PILON is most commonly used in cases of dismissal, redundancy, or mutual agreement to terminate employment. It provides an alternative to having the employee work through their notice period.
  • Immediate Effect: Unlike traditional notice periods, PILON takes effect immediately, ending the employment relationship without the employee serving the notice period.

Types of PILON: Contractual vs. Discretionary

  • Contractual PILON: This type is specified in the employment contract, outlining the employer’s right to terminate the contract immediately with a payment in lieu.
  • Discretionary PILON: In this case, the employer may choose to make a PILON payment even if it’s not specified in the contract. This is subject to legal considerations and potential risk of breach of contract claims.

Calculation of PILON

  • Components of Payment: The calculation includes basic salary and may also cover benefits such as pension contributions, bonuses, and healthcare, depending on the contract terms.
  • Prorating Payments: Payments are usually prorated for the portion of the notice period not worked. This calculation must be precise and in line with contractual and legal stipulations.

Legal Considerations in PILON

  • Contractual Rights: Both parties must understand their rights under the contract, especially concerning PILON clauses.
  • Statutory Rights: Employers must be aware of statutory rights, such as the right to a minimum notice period, which can impact PILON arrangements.

Managing Expectations and Communications

  • Clear Communication: Both employers and employees should ensure there’s clear communication about the terms and conditions of PILON.
  • Setting Expectations: Properly managing expectations regarding PILON helps in maintaining a positive employer-employee relationship and can mitigate potential disputes.

Documenting PILON Agreements

When it comes to PILON agreements, meticulous documentation is key. It’s crucial for both the employer and the employee to have a clear, written record of the agreement. This documentation should detail the terms of the PILON, including the amount to be paid and the date of termination of employment. It should also clarify aspects such as the treatment of accrued holiday pay and any other benefits.

Employers are advised to include a PILON clause in their employment contracts to provide a clear legal basis for the arrangement. If the PILON is not contractually pre-agreed, it should be formally documented in a separate agreement to avoid any future disputes. For employees, it’s vital to thoroughly review and understand the terms before accepting a PILON agreement. This documentation not only ensures legal compliance but also provides a clear reference point for both parties, reducing the potential for misunderstandings and helping to maintain a professional end to the employment relationship.

Review and Update Policies Regularly

In the dynamic landscape of employment law, regular reviews and updates of PILON policies are not just recommended, they are essential. Employment laws and regulations can change, and staying compliant is crucial for both employers and employees. This regular review ensures that PILON policies remain in line with current legal standards and best practices.

Key Areas to Focus On

  1. Legal Compliance: Ensure that your PILON policy complies with the latest employment laws and regulations in the UK. This includes understanding changes in statutory rights, tax implications, and any alterations in employee contract law.
  2. Clarity and Specificity: Regularly revising the policy can help maintain clarity and specificity. It’s important that the policy clearly outlines how PILON is calculated, the conditions under which it is applied, and how it interacts with other entitlements like holiday pay.
  3. Reflecting Organisational Changes: As your organisation evolves, so too should your PILON policy. Changes in business structure, size, or employee roles might necessitate updates to ensure the policy remains relevant and effective.
  4. Consistency in Application: Regular reviews help in maintaining consistency in how PILON is applied across different departments and levels of the organisation. This consistency is key in upholding fairness and transparency.
  5. Employee Understanding and Communication: Updating the PILON policy is an opportunity to reinforce understanding among employees. Communicating changes effectively ensures that employees know their rights and the procedures involved.

Implementing Changes Effectively

Once updates are made, it’s important to effectively implement these changes. This involves updating employment contracts, providing training or briefings to HR personnel, and ensuring all employees are aware of the new policy. Employers should also consider seeking legal advice when making significant changes to ensure all updates are legally sound and effectively integrated into existing contracts and practices.

Implications of PILON for Employers

For employers, implementing PILON requires careful consideration of its various implications, from legal compliance to financial impact and employee relations.

Legal Obligations and Rights

  • Adherence to Employment Contracts: Employers must strictly adhere to the terms laid out in the employment contracts. Any deviation from these terms without proper legal justification can lead to claims of breach of contract.
  • Compliance with Employment Law: Staying updated with changes in employment law and ensuring that PILON policies are compliant is crucial to avoid legal repercussions.

Financial Implications for Businesses

  • Budgetary Considerations: Employers need to account for potential PILON payments in their financial planning. Unexpected PILON expenses can impact the company’s financial health.
  • Impact on Cash Flow: Large or numerous PILON payments can significantly affect the company’s cash flow, requiring careful financial management.

Impact on Employee Contracts and Handbooks

  • Regular Updating of Documents: Employment contracts and employee handbooks should be regularly reviewed and updated to reflect current legal standards and company policies regarding PILON.
  • Clarity and Consistency: Ensuring that PILON clauses are clear and consistent across all contracts is essential to prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

Managing Employee Morale and Company Culture

  • Communication Strategy: How PILON is communicated and executed can significantly impact employee morale and the overall company culture.
  • Support for Remaining Employees: Providing support and reassurance to the remaining workforce after a PILON occurrence is important to maintain a positive work environment.

Training for Managers and HR

  • Educating Management: Providing training for managers and HR personnel on handling PILON sensitively and efficiently is crucial.
  • Developing Robust Policies: Ensuring that policies are robust and that the management team is aware of them helps in consistent and fair implementation of PILON.

Planning for Replacements or Restructuring

  • Workforce Planning: Employers need to plan for the immediate and long-term implications of workforce changes following PILON, including hiring replacements or restructuring teams.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Ensuring a smooth transition of knowledge and responsibilities when an employee leaves under PILON is vital to maintain operational efficiency.

Risk Management and Mitigation

  • Assessing Risks: Evaluating the risks associated with PILON, such as legal challenges or negative publicity, is an essential part of the decision-making process.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Developing strategies to mitigate these risks, including legal consultations and public relations planning, can help in managing the potential negative impacts of PILON.

By understanding and effectively managing these implications, employers can ensure that PILON is executed in a manner that balances the needs of the business with legal compliance and the well-being of employees.

PILON from an Employee’s Perspective

Understanding PILON is crucial for employees to ensure they are aware of their rights and the implications of such payments on their employment and financial situation.

Rights and Entitlements

Employees must thoroughly understand the terms of their employment contract, especially regarding PILON. This understanding is crucial in gauging how PILON will affect their employment exit process. Key aspects to consider include:

  1. Existence of a PILON Clause: Determine if your contract has a specific PILON clause. Not all employment contracts include such a clause, and its absence can significantly alter the course of your notice period.
  2. Conditions of the PILON Clause: If a PILON clause is present, carefully review its conditions. This includes understanding how the PILON payment is calculated (e.g., basic salary only or including bonuses and benefits), the circumstances under which it can be invoked, and any implications for your remaining benefits, such as pension contributions or health insurance.
  3. Differences Between Contractual and Statutory Entitlements: Your contract may offer more than the statutory minimum. Be aware of these differences, as they can impact your entitlements significantly.

Seeking Clarification and Professional Advice

It’s not uncommon for contractual terms, especially those related to PILON, to be complex and potentially confusing. If you find any part of the PILON clause unclear:

  1. Approach HR or Management: Your first point of contact should be your HR department or direct management. They can provide initial clarifications and guidance on how the company typically handles PILON situations.
  2. Legal Advisors for Comprehensive Understanding: For a more in-depth understanding, particularly if the situation is complex or if you suspect your rights might not be fully honoured, consulting with legal advisors specializing in employment law is advisable. They can interpret legal jargon, clarify your rights and entitlements, and guide you on the best course of action.
  3. Documenting Clarifications: Ensure that any clarifications or additional agreements made verbally are documented in writing. This can be vital if any disputes or misunderstandings arise later regarding the interpretation of your PILON clause.
  4. Peer Advice and Industry Standards: Sometimes, seeking advice from colleagues in similar roles or researching industry standards can provide additional context and help you understand what is fair and customary in your sector.

Understanding the Impact on Final Pay

  • Calculation of Payment: It’s important for employees to understand how their PILON payment is calculated, including what components of their salary and benefits are included.
  • Timing of Payment: Employees should be informed about when they can expect to receive their PILON payment, as it can impact their financial planning.

Tax Considerations

  • Income Tax and National Insurance: Employees must be aware that PILON is subject to income tax and National Insurance contributions. Understanding how this affects their take-home pay is essential.
  • Pension Contributions: Consideration should be given to how PILON payments affect pension contributions and any long-term financial planning.

Legal Rights and Recourse

  • Understanding Legal Rights: Employees should be aware of their legal rights regarding PILON, especially in cases where the payment or process seems to breach the terms of their contract.
  • Seeking Legal Advice: In situations of uncertainty or dispute, seeking legal advice is advisable to ensure one’s rights are protected.

Negotiating PILON

In the realm of employment terminations and PILON, there’s often a misconception that the terms are rigid and non-negotiable. However, this is not always the case. Opportunities for negotiation can arise, particularly in certain circumstances:

  1. Senior Roles and High-Value Employees: If you hold a senior position or possess unique skills that are highly valued by your employer, you may have more leverage in negotiating the terms of your PILON.
  2. Unique Employment Situations: Situations that deviate from standard employment scenarios, such as those involving relocation, long-term projects, or unique contractual obligations, may open the door for negotiation.
  3. Market Conditions and Industry Standards: Understanding the current market conditions and industry standards can empower you to negotiate terms that are not only fair but also competitive.
  4. Negotiating Other Aspects: Even if the monetary aspect of PILON is fixed, there might be room to negotiate other elements such as the continuation of certain benefits, references, or outplacement support.

Seeking Professional Advice for Effective Negotiation

The negotiation process can be complex and requires a strategic approach. Seeking professional advice can be invaluable:

  1. Legal Professionals: Employment lawyers can provide critical insights into your rights and the feasibility of negotiating your PILON terms. They can help draft proposals, review contracts, and guide you through legal intricacies.
  2. HR Consultants: HR professionals with expertise in employment terminations and PILON can offer practical advice on negotiation strategies. They can provide insights into what employers may consider reasonable adjustments to the terms.
  3. Preparation for Negotiations: Before entering into negotiations, it’s essential to prepare thoroughly. This involves understanding your worth, the contributions you’ve made to the organisation, and having clear objectives for the negotiation.
  4. Documentation: Ensure that any negotiated terms are clearly documented. This avoids future misunderstandings and provides a legally binding agreement that both parties can refer to.
  5. Consider the Whole Package: In negotiations, consider the entire termination package. This might include aspects like notice periods, severance pay, references, and outplacement services, in addition to PILON.

Impact on Future Employment

When navigating the complexities of PILON, it’s crucial for employees to consider how this might influence their future job references and professional reputation:

  1. Perception of PILON: Understand that the nature of your departure, including PILON, could influence how future employers perceive your professional journey. It’s important to be able to articulate the circumstances of your departure in a manner that is both honest and professionally favourable.
  2. Maintaining Positive Relationships: Strive to maintain positive relationships with your current employer, even when exiting through PILON. A constructive and professional approach can lead to positive references and maintain your reputation in the industry.
  3. Reference Policy of Your Employer: Familiarize yourself with your employer’s policy on providing references. Some organizations might have a policy of only confirming employment dates and job titles, while others might offer more detailed references.
  4. Proactive Reputation Management: Be proactive in managing your professional reputation. This includes networking, maintaining your professional online presence, and possibly seeking recommendations from colleagues or supervisors who can vouch for your skills and work ethic.

Seeking Career Transition Support in PILON Agreements

In addition to understanding how PILON affects references and reputation, enquiring about career transition support is equally important:

  1. Outplacement Services: Many employers offer outplacement services as part of the PILON package, especially in cases of redundancy. These services can include career counselling, job search assistance, resume workshops, and interview coaching.
  2. Negotiating for Support: If outplacement support isn’t initially offered, consider negotiating for it. Such support can be invaluable in transitioning to new employment opportunities smoothly.
  3. Utilizing Career Counselling: Take full advantage of career counselling if offered. Professional counsellors can provide guidance on career direction, upskilling opportunities, and even emotional support during the transition period.
  4. Long-Term Career Planning: Use this transition period as an opportunity for long-term career planning. Assess your skills, consider potential growth areas, and align your job search with your career aspirations and values.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Enquire if the support includes networking opportunities. Networking can be a critical component in finding new opportunities and should be a key part of your career transition strategy.

Emotional and Psychological Aspects

  • Coping with Sudden Change: Receiving PILON can sometimes be unexpected. Employees should be prepared to manage the emotional and psychological impact of sudden employment termination.
  • Seeking Support: Utilising support networks, whether professional counselling or personal support systems, can be beneficial during this transition period.

By being well-informed and proactive, employees can navigate the complexities of PILON with a clearer understanding and greater confidence. This knowledge not only helps in safeguarding their rights but also in planning their next steps in their career journey.

Best Practices for Implementing PILON Policies

Implementing PILON policies requires careful consideration to ensure they are fair, clear, and legally compliant. Below are some detailed best practices:

Drafting Clear PILON Clauses in Employment Contracts

  • Use Precise Language: Clearly define the terms of PILON in employment contracts. Specify the conditions under which PILON will be applied, the method of calculating the payment, and any exclusions or special conditions.
  • Consistent Application: Ensure that PILON clauses are consistently applied across all contracts to avoid any perceptions of unfair treatment or discrimination.

Communicating Policies to Employees

  • Induction and Training: Introduce PILON policies during employee induction sessions. Regular training sessions can also help in keeping the staff informed about their rights and the company’s policies.
  • Accessible Documentation: Keep policy documents accessible, ideally in both digital and physical formats, so that employees can refer to them as needed.

Preparing for Potential Legal Challenges

  • Seek Legal Advice: Regularly consult with employment law specialists to ensure your PILON policies are compliant with current legislation.
  • Document Everything: Maintain meticulous records of all communications and decisions related to PILON. This documentation can be crucial in the event of a legal dispute.

Aligning PILON Policies with Company Culture

  • Promote Transparency: Encourage an open culture where employees feel comfortable discussing contract terms, including PILON. Transparency helps in building trust and reduces misunderstandings.
  • Feedback Mechanism: Implement a feedback mechanism where employees can express their views or concerns about the PILON policy. This can provide valuable insights and help in refining the policy.

Managing the Financial Impact

  • Budget Planning: Include PILON payments in your financial planning. This helps in managing cash flow and ensures that the company is prepared for any sudden financial obligations arising from PILON.
  • Insurance Cover: Consider taking out insurance to cover the cost of PILON payments, particularly in industries where sudden terminations might be more common.

Enhancing Employee Relations

  • Supportive Exit Process: Even when terminating employment via PILON, ensure that the process is handled with respect and support. Offer guidance on next steps, such as references or outplacement services, to maintain a positive relationship.
  • Regular Policy Review: Regularly review and update PILON policies to reflect changes in the workforce, company structure, and legal requirements. This ensures that the policy remains relevant and fair.

Implementing these best practices will help in creating a PILON policy that is not only legally sound but also supportive of both the company’s and employees’ interests. It’s essential to balance the legal, financial, and human aspects of PILON to maintain a positive workplace environment and uphold the company’s reputation.

How does PILON compare to Garden Leave?

Payment in Lieu of Notice and Garden Leave are both terms related to the termination of employment, but they serve different purposes and are implemented in distinct ways.

PILON (Payment in Lieu of Notice):

  • This occurs when an employer decides to terminate an employee’s contract immediately without requiring them to work their notice period.
  • Instead of working during the notice period, the employee receives a lump sum payment for the notice period they would have worked.
  • This payment typically includes salary and may also cover benefits and bonuses that the employee would have received during the notice period.
  • The employment relationship ends immediately upon payment of PILON.

Garden Leave:

  • During garden leave, the employee is instructed not to attend work or engage in work activities for the remainder of their notice period, but they remain employed by the company.
  • The employee continues to receive their salary and benefits as usual during this period.
  • The purpose is often to prevent the employee from joining a competitor or sharing sensitive information while still being bound by the terms of their contract, including confidentiality.
  • The employment relationship continues until the end of the garden leave period.

Relation between PILON and Garden Leave:

  • Both PILON and garden leave are mechanisms used during the termination of employment, especially in scenarios involving senior employees or those with access to sensitive information.
  • Employers might opt for PILON when they prefer to end the employment relationship immediately, while garden leave is chosen when it’s beneficial to keep the employee formally employed (and thereby restricted) for the notice period.
  • Sometimes, employment contracts will specify which of these options an employer can use, or they might provide for the possibility of either being used, depending on the circumstances.


Payment in Lieu of Notice is a significant aspect of employment relations, offering both employers and employees flexibility in managing contract terminations. Adhering to legal standards and implementing best practices are crucial for effective PILON management. Tools like SkyHR play a pivotal role in streamlining these processes, ensuring compliance, and providing a clear understanding for all parties involved.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website, https://skyhr.io, by the central SkyHR team

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