Managing Employee Burnout in Remote Work


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the continued evolution of technology, the world has seen a dramatic increase in remote work. While this shift has brought about numerous benefits such as flexibility and reduced commute times, it has also highlighted a significant challenge: employee burnout. Today, we’re going to explore this issue and discuss effective strategies for managing it.

Understanding Employee Burnout

Employee burnout is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged stress at work. It’s characterised by feelings of energy depletion, increased negativity towards one’s job, and a sense of reduced professional efficacy.

Recognising the signs and symptoms of burnout is crucial, as they can manifest in various ways. These include a lack of motivation, decreased productivity, feelings of despair, and even physical symptoms like headaches or insomnia.

The impact of burnout extends beyond the individual employee, affecting the overall company as well. It can lead to higher turnover rates, decreased productivity, and a decline in overall team morale.

The Unique Challenges of Remote Work

Remote work can present unique challenges that contribute to an increased risk of burnout. The lack of a distinct separation between work and personal life can blur boundaries, leading to overworking. Isolation can result in feelings of loneliness and disconnect, while the “always-on” culture can make it difficult for employees to switch off and relax.

In a previous post, we discussed how to make working from home work for you, which touched on some of these issues.

Strategies to Prevent and Address Burnout in Remote Work

Thankfully, there are several strategies that can help prevent and address burnout in a remote work setting:

  • Encouraging and enforcing work-life balance: Employers can help by setting clear expectations regarding work hours and encouraging employees to take regular breaks throughout the day. One strategy could be how to manage holiday requests effectively. Also consider introducing policies such as Duvet Days or even a 9-Day Fortnight.
  • Regular communication: Managers should check in with their teams regularly, not just about work but also about their overall wellbeing. Open dialogue about mental health should be encouraged and normalized.
  • Fostering social interaction: Combat feelings of isolation with regular virtual team building activities. Boosting your company culture can also foster a sense of belonging among remote teams.
  • Manager training: Train managers to spot signs of burnout and provide them with resources to support their team members.
  • Provide mental health resources: This might include Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), mental health days, or online counselling services. It’s important to remember the impact of mental health on employee absence.

The Role of HR in Managing Employee Burnout

HR has a critical role in managing employee burnout. It can help by implementing policies that support work-life balance and overall employee wellbeing. Providing tips for managing your remote workforce in the long term is one of the effective ways HR can contribute.

Additionally, HR can play a vital role in educating both managers and employees about burnout. By raising awareness and understanding, companies can work proactively to address the issue.


Addressing burnout in remote work is crucial for maintaining a healthy and productive workforce. It’s important for companies to recognise the signs of burnout and take proactive steps to manage it. By doing so, we not only support our employees but also contribute to the success and longevity of our businesses.

We encourage you to share your own experiences or strategies for managing burnout in remote work with us. For more insights, tips, and advice, be sure to visit our blog regularly.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website,, by the central SkyHR team

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