Effective Feedback: How to Praise and Criticise

Effective communication is key to successful management, and this includes the way managers praise and criticise their employees. While it can be easy to fall into the trap of generic feedback, managers should strive to praise specifically and criticise generally. This article will explore the benefits of these strategies and provide tips for implementing them.

Praise Specifically

Specific praise is a powerful tool for motivating employees and boosting their confidence. Instead of simply saying “good job,” specific praise highlights the specific actions or behaviours that led to the success. This not only makes employees feel appreciated but also helps them understand what they’re doing right and encourages them to continue in that direction.

Here are some examples of specific praise:

  • “I really appreciate how you took the initiative to brainstorm new ideas for the project. Your creativity and hard work really paid off.”
  • “Your attention to detail and thoroughness in completing this report were exceptional. Thank you for taking the time to ensure accuracy.”

To give effective specific praise, managers should be:

  • Timely – don’t wait too long to give praise
  • Specific – identify the exact actions or behaviours that deserve praise
  • Sincere – make sure the praise is genuine and heartfelt

Criticise Generally

On the other hand, when it comes to criticism, general feedback tends to be more effective than specific feedback. This is because general feedback is less likely to be taken personally and allows employees to identify the areas where they need to improve without feeling attacked.

Here are some examples of general criticism:

  • “I noticed that the team could benefit from better communication and collaboration.”
  • “Our customer service could be improved by being more responsive to customer needs.”

To deliver general criticism constructively, managers should:

  • Use “I” statements – focus on your own observations rather than blaming employees
  • Be respectful – avoid using accusatory language or tone
  • Offer solutions – suggest ways to improve without micromanaging

Why Specific Praise and General Criticism Work Together

While specific praise and general criticism may seem contradictory, they actually complement each other. Specific praise builds employee confidence and reinforces positive behaviours, while general criticism provides a broader perspective and helps identify areas for improvement. Together, these strategies can create a well-rounded feedback culture that supports employee growth and development.

To achieve a balance of specific praise and general criticism, managers should:

  • Provide ongoing feedback – don’t wait for annual reviews to give feedback
  • Be consistent – use specific praise and general criticism consistently across all employees
  • Be open to feedback – listen to employees’ perspectives and be willing to adjust your feedback style accordingly


In conclusion, managers should strive to praise specifically and criticise generally to effectively communicate with employees. Specific praise reinforces positive behaviours and boosts employee confidence, while general criticism provides a broader perspective and encourages growth. By incorporating these strategies into their management style, managers can create a positive feedback culture that drives employee success. So, don’t be afraid to give specific praise and general criticism and watch your team flourish!

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website, https://skyhr.io, by the central SkyHR team