Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Online Portal Opens

As of today you are able to start making claims online for your furloughed employees as part of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).

Here are the things you must have / have done to be able to make your claim:

  • Started a payroll scheme, using PAYE, on or before 19 March 2020
  • Enrolled for PAYE online
  • Have a UK bank account

You can claim for 80% of each furloughed employee?s wage – up to a maximum of ?2,500 per month. You?ll still need to pay employer National Insurance and pension contributions on behalf of your furloughed employees, and you can claim for these too.?

To help, there is an online calculator within the portal.?

When filling in the claim, you will need a variety of things about both your company, and each employee.

Company details needed to make CJRS claim

  • Your PAYE scheme reference number
  • Your Self Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference, Corporation Tax Unique Taxpayer Reference, Company Registration Number or Employer Name (as appropriate)
  • Your bank account number and sort code
  • Your contact name
  • Your phone number
  • The claim period
  • The amount claiming

Employee details needed to make CJRS claim

For each employee being claimed for, you will need:

  • Their full name
  • Their National Insurance Numbers
  • Optionally, you can also provide their payroll/employee number

Unfortunately, if you have fewer than 100 furloughed employees you will need to enter details of each employee you are claiming for one by one into the system.

If you have over 100 employees a spreadsheet upload option will be available for you.

For full details, we recommend you visit the official guidance section on the government website.

If you are self employed, there is a different but similar benefit that is being put in place. The claim system for that is aimed to be in place for May/June time.

We will keep you posted with any updates we can.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website,, by the central SkyHR team

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