COVID-19: Annual Leave Carryover to Two Years

Workers who do not use all of their statutory annual holiday allowance because of the coronavirus pandemic will be allowed to carry days over for the next two years, the government has announced.

Business Secretary Alok Sharma spoke about the move at the government’s daily briefing about the COVID-19.

He said: “We’ve introduced measures to ensure that workers who have not taken all of their statutory annual leave due to COVID-19 will now be able to carry that entitlement over into the next two years.

“This will protect staff from losing out, while providing businesses with flexibility when they need it most.”

Under existing rules, full time workers are entitled to at least 28 days? holiday each year, including bank holidays. Part time workers are entitled to the same proportion of time off depending on how much they work. Most of this time can not be carried over so employees will lose it if they don’t use it.

These new changes will apply to the Working Time Regulations so they will be applied for most workers: Full Time, Part Time, Agency, and people on zero hour contracts.

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