50 simple ways to say well done at work

Saying well done at work and thanking someone for their efforts goes a long way. The small human moments matter more than ever with many of us working remotely. This easy show of thanks can become a backbone for your entire company culture – one of gratitude, teamwork, and mutual respect.

Don’t miss an opportunity to share with someone when they’ve done a great job.

Download the Ultimate Guide to Saying Well Done at Work
With over 100 different phrases and categories to choose from, you’ll be able to provide specific and sincere feedback to your colleagues in a way that boosts morale and productivity.

Examples of how to say well done professionally

Here are 50 simple ways that you can show your appreciation to a colleague or an employee to thank them for doing a great job.

Keeping it Short and Sweet

In the hustle and bustle of a busy work environment, sometimes less is more. These short and sweet examples are tailored for those moments when time is of the essence, but the significance of acknowledging a colleague’s efforts remains paramount. These concise expressions of gratitude are not just time-efficient; they pack a meaningful punch.

In a few words, they manage to convey appreciation, respect, and encouragement. They’re perfect for a quick email, a brief chat message, or even a passing comment in the hallway.

These phrases are a testament to the idea that sometimes, the simplest acknowledgements can be the most impactful, cutting through the noise to deliver a clear message of well-done

  1. Thank you for doing this.
  2. Nice job. Keep it up.
  3. Great work, as always.
  4. Top quality work.
  5. You’re an inspiration to all of us.
  6. Thank you for volunteering to take this on.
  7. Your problem solving skills are second to none.
  8. Congratulations on a job well done.
  9. This is going above and beyond, I love it!
  10. You’re a real life saver!

Recognition for being a part of the team

Teamwork is the backbone of any successful company, and recognising individual contributions to the team is crucial in fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. With this section, we focus on phrases that not only appreciate an individual’s effort but also highlight their integral role within the team.

These expressions of gratitude go beyond acknowledging a job well done; they emphasise the value of each team member in contributing to the collective success. By using these phrases, you’re not just thanking a colleague for their work, but also reinforcing their sense of belonging and importance to the team.

This recognition can significantly boost morale, strengthen team bonds, and encourage a culture of mutual support and respect.

  1. You’re a real pleasure to work with.
  2. It’s so great that I can just trust you to get the job done for us.
  3. You’re such a great team player.
  4. It’s so good to have someone like you to learn from.
  5. Thank you for helping keep everybody motivated.
  6. Where would we be without you?
  7. It’s rare to find team mates who are so reliable.
  8. It’s hard to imagine our team with you in it.
  9. I couldn’t have gotten this done without you.
  10. Thank you for going the extra mile and helping me get started on this project. I’d have been lost without you working here.
  11. I can’t believe that your last job let you go! Please never leave here!
  12. Not only do you hit your own targets, but it’s great to see you helping others too.
  13. You continuously impress with your attitude and willingness to help.
  14. You care for you team mates shows though every day. We appreciate you.
  15. I’m hearing great feedback about your work and I wanted to tell you how happy I am with you.
  16. Thank you for taking responsibility with this task. I appreciate it.
  17. Thank you for helping me this week. I owe you one.
  18. Your positive attitude is a constant breath of fresh air to all of us.
  19. It’s great that you continue to excel even as you take on new responsibilities.
  20. Thanks for always having my back, it means a lot.
  21. This is a great example for everyone else to learn from, can we share it with the rest of the team?
  22. Congratulations on your work anniversary! X years of amazing work!
  23. It’s been a real pleasure working with you on this project. I hope we get to work together again soon.

Appreciation of extra effort

Going the extra mile at work often requires additional commitment, creativity, and resilience. This section is dedicated to acknowledging those who put in that extra effort, often going beyond what is expected of them. These phrases are crafted to recognise and celebrate the dedication and hard work that leads to exceptional results.

Whether it’s staying late to meet a deadline, creatively solving a complex problem, or proactively helping a team member, these acknowledgments highlight the individual’s extraordinary contribution. Using these expressions of gratitude not only provides well-deserved recognition but also inspires others in the workplace to strive for excellence.

It’s about honouring the extra steps taken and the additional energy invested, reinforcing that such efforts are noticed and deeply valued.

  1. I love the amount of effort you’ve put into this.
  2. Thanks again for working the extra time to get this done.
  3. You’ve raised the bar again. Amazing.
  4. The client is so happy and it’s all thanks to your efforts.
  5. Your dedication is fantastic, you’re definitely going places.
  6. Without you, I don’t think we could have hit our deadline. Well done.
  7. Your constant dedication to your work is helping lead us to all to success!
  8. Getting this done so quickly is really going to help us out in the long run.
  9. Some people work smart, some work hard. You do both.
  10. How you solved this challenging problem was amazing.
  11. You’re hard work is something we can all learn from.
  12. You’re go-getter attitude really makes a difference.
  13. You showed great composure when dealing with that awkward situation.
  14. Your attention to detail makes a big difference to our finished product.
  15. This is great, I really can’t wait to see what comes next.
  16. I’m really grateful you could get this turned around so quickly.
  17. You may not have thought we noticed, but you’re work is coming along really brilliantly, and we are really excited to see what you come up with next.

Your Turn to say Well Done

When was the last time that you thanked a colleague directly for their work? Keep an eye out for opportunities to reach out and say well done to each other.

If you’re a manager or team leader, doing this can set a great example to the rest of the team. Encourage them to do the same to each other, and even to people from outside your company. Simple thank you emails really do help make the day better.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website, https://skyhr.io, by the central SkyHR team

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