Introducing Calendar Subscriptions

It is now possible for you to see your entire company absences from SkyHR directly in your regular calendar application.

Our new Calendar Integration works by providing you with a link to use with Outlook, Google Calendar, or whatever calendar you use. This link will provide you calendar with the ability to retrieve and view your absences records from SkyHR.

Enabling Calendar Integration

To generate your integration link, login to SkyHR using your admin credentials, and navigate to Manage > Calendar Integration.

Here you will see a button to enable Calendar Integration. Click this button.

Once enabled, you will see a link to copy into your calendar application of choice.

Using the Calendar Integration Link

The process for how to use the calendar link will vary depending on your calendar application. Below are some examples using Outlook, and Google Calendar. If you are using a different application, please check the appropriate help documentation, and you should be able to find out how to use an “internet calendar” or “subscription”.

SkyHR with Outlook

In Outlook, navigate to your calendars. In the ribbon, you will have an option to Open Calendar. In the drop down, select From Internet.

You will be prompted to enter the link. Paste in the link generated in SkyHR and press OK.

Continue to follow the prompts from Outlook, and once completed, you will be able to view your absences directly in Outlook.

SkyHR and Google Calendar

Open up Google Calendar. On the left hand panel, you will see a list of your current calendars. Click the Add (plus) icon, and in the drop down, select From URL.

You will be prompted for the link. Paste the link generated from SkyHR and click Add calendar.

You will receive a notification that the calendar has been added. Navigate back to your calendar view and you will be able to see your company absences directly in Google Calendar.

How often does the calendar update?

If you are using a desktop application, you will be able to see changes made in SkyHR immediately by pressing the refresh or sync button in your calendar. However, if you are using a cloud based systems, such as Google Calendar it may take up to a day for your changes in SkyHR to be displayed.

More to come…

We hope you like this new addition to SkyHR, and stay tuned for more updates coming your way soon.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website,, by the central SkyHR team

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