5 Benefits of tracking employee absences

Recording employee absences has many benefits. Below are 5 benefits that we think stand out.

No 1: Allow managers to detect attendance issues

Accurate records of employees absences can allow managers to detect issues early on. Such issues include absenteeism and too many people in the same team absent at the same time. This allows managers to take action promptly before any problems escalate, and helps inform choices about absence requests.

No 2: Improve employee productivity with fast responses to absence requests

Whenever an employee requests time off it is important that an approver makes a choice as soon as possible. Managers should tell their employee if the request has been accepted or rejected. Whilst an employee is waiting on this outcome, they may be distracted from their primary duties because they are left in an uncertain state.

Having a full record of each employee absence allows managers to quickly choose if an absence request can be approved. Managers can see how much time off an employee has used, and also if there are any other employees absent at the same time.

No 3: Accurate payroll

Payroll can be impacted by employee absences. Accurate records ensure that employees are not overpaid when they have taken too much time away from work.

No 4: Reduced absenteeism

An employee taking a lot of time off work can have a massive impact on an organisation. Absenteeism should be spotted as early as possible and get addressed appropriately.

No 5: Easier holiday scheduling

Having too many employees absent at the same time could have a serious effect on the organisation. With all absences recorded, it is simple for managers to see when each employee is off and make informed choices about whether to approve new requests.

Employees with self-service systems can go one step further and check for themselves who else is absent during their preferred time. This can save the employee the effort of making a request that would be rejected.

Articles written by and for SkyHR for our blog and other sections of our main website, https://skyhr.io, by the central SkyHR team

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